We speak to Parasma Recruitment

19th August 2020

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Tell us about Parasma Recruitment

I started Parasma in November 2018 after being in the construction industry across various different levels over an 18-year period. I worked with many recruitment companies over the years and invariably I felt unsatisfied. I knew recruitment could be conducted in a way that treated the candidates with respect and the client like a partner, rather than both like a potential commission. So, I decided to take up the challenge and prove my theory. As with all startups, there’s been a lot of blood, sweat and tears, especially at the start (as it coincided with the birth of my first child… anyone with kids will understand the strain here ha!) but my team’s passion and determination to deliver on our mission has carried us through. My knowledge of the industry has allowed me to put together a team who have a great understand of both recruitment and the construction industry. Yes, we do work long hours, but my team understands that in order to be successful in this industry delivering for our clients is paramount. Everything we do is done under the Parasma Recruitment Modus Opernadi of honesty, integrity, excellence and a passion to deliver on our promises.

How do you differentiate from other Recruitment agencies in your sector?

As I said, I believe what sets us apart from others is the construction recruitment sector is our extensive professional knowledge of the industry itself.

We have a unique understanding of myriad roles generated from this ever-changing sector. My belief and my experience is that the common opinion of recruitment companies in my industry is that they are really just sales people who have very little experience of the roles they are trying to fill and are very transactional focus… Parasma is the anthesis of this.

The only way we achieve my vision for Parasma is by building long lasting relationships. This is done through understanding the nuanced and specific needs of each of our clients across our diverse portfolio, ranging from small family owned businesses to large publicly traded companies. It sounds simple but ultimately, we ensure we place the very best candidates in each and every role.

We are also passionate about bringing through the next generation of high-level construction professionals. We partner with our clients on campaigns to promote the construction industry and recruit the best talent coming through. Many of those starting their careers aren’t aware of the diversity of roles and the training available which could get them on their desired career track.

How has Covid-19 affected your business and the industry? Have you seen an increase in candidates looking for new roles?

In the short-term, the coronavirus crisis has had a huge impact on the recruitment industry as a whole. With many companies sole focus being on survival right now rather than expansion. I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t affected us but we have been fortunate to build strong relationships with some very well managed clients and we are still seeing steady permanent and contract work coming through and our pipeline is getting stronger as the pandemic appears to have passed its peak. As a slight aside, through the whole crisis my staff have remained positive and their desire to get back to work as a team and get through this has impressed me immensely and I’m very proud of that.

Honestly, my current feeling is a stark contrast to mid-March this year when COVID really hit.  We had projects we had spent many weeks on suddenly cancelled or put on hold. Of course, this is disheartening and hard to take but took it on the chin and dusted ourselves off. We’re now working harder and digging deeper than ever to make things work during this difficult time.

We know if we keep doing what we do best we’ll come out of this crisis stronger. Fortunately for us, construction is an incredibly resilient industry and the current government is providing investing heavily. Proving just how important the industry is.

We have seen a huge increase in the number of candidates seeking new roles. Some are enquiring about the state of the market as they’re worried about their job security and some are seeking new opportunity after losing their jobs. As you would expect, we are committed to helping as many people find new opportunities as we can.

Do you have any key advice top tips for candidates looking for a new role?

First and foremost, I would advise them to ensure they are utilising all available channels to find their next opportunity. Whether this is searching job boards, reaching out to their existing network or working with a recruiter. If you do decide to work with a recruiter it can be tempting to take the volume approach, which has its benefits. However, be wary of sharing your CV with those who do not understand your value and experience as they are unlikely to be able to identify the right opportunities for you and, even worse, will be unable to get your proposition right to a potential employer, meaning you may not even get the interview even if your CV does get in front of hiring manager for your perfect role. If you work with Parasma you will receive industry specific advice, a deep understanding of your background, knowledge of what should be your next career move and we guarantee that you will be positioned optimally to our clients.

What does the future hold for Paramsa Recruitment?

We want to continue to build our company through broadening and deepening our current relationships and adding new clients who are a correct fit for Parasma and our candidates. Accordingly, we want to build on our brand and become the market leader in our space, known for efficient and effective, knowledge-based recruitment in Construction.

Our growth over the last 20 months has exceeded my expectations and, like all business owners, I hope and believe the future of my company is bright. Even through the COVID crisis we are continuing to add high level talent to our team and my existing team will continue to work fulfil our mission through our M/O honesty, integrity, excellence and desire… this is what gives me confidence for the long term.

Dan Cassidy
T: 01903 950541
E: dan@parasma-recruitment.com