Westgate Chambers bring staff and clients together for an event with a difference hosted by team Dasaki

8th August 2022

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Westgate Chambers are one of County Business Clubs’ newest Value Added Partners – and they are celebrating their 35th anniversary year in 2022. 

Stuart Taylor, Deputy Senior Clerk, and I have known each other for many years and when Stuart was looking to host an event with a difference, where he could engage staff and invite clients to help build strong relationships, they decided to team up with Dasaki to deliver a Greek Cypriot cooking class. 

In July, six members of the team and six clients from various solicitors’ firms across the county including Goodman Ray, Gaby Hardwicke, Stowe Family Law, and Britton & Time, attended the Community Kitchen on Queens Road in Brighton where Uncle George and I shared four of our family recipes that have been passed down through generations. 

We started with Koupebia, stuffed vines leaves but with a vegan twist. Teams of three to four worked together making the sauce, rolling the vine leaves – all whilst sharing a glass of wine or two. 

Whilst the vines leaves where cooking, the teams made a traditional Greek Cypriot dip called Tzatziki, which combines Greek yoghurt, lemon, cucumber, garlic and mint with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. 

Stuart continually mixed the pairings at each dish so staff and clients could get to know each other. For the final dishes, the teams separated into vegetarian and meat eaters and made separate pasta dishes. 

The vegetarian dish was Village Macaroni, a very simple macaroni dish cooked in vegetable stock with Haloumi cheese and mint. The meat dish was Pasta Pastourma, pasta with fresh plum tomatoes, spicy Greek Cypriot sausage and coriander. 

After the cooking had finished, the teams all sat around the table in true Cypriot Family-style and enjoyed the dishes they had prepared. 

Stuart Taylor said: “It was a wonderful evening making traditional Greek food, with new and existing clients to Chambers. Good fun was had by all and everyone left with a smile on their faces and with full stomachs.”

To find our more about Dasaki, visit www.dasaki.co.uk to view the recipes. To book a team-building event, email info@dasaki.co.uk

To find out more about Westgate Chambers, visit https://westgate-chambers.co.uk 

To find out more about the Community Kitchen, visit https://bhfood.org.uk/cookery-school/