What is Age Discrimination in Recruitment?

11th October 2019

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People think age discrimination is something done deliberately like ‘we don’t want older candidates for this role’ which, although it does happen, is not how it most often occurs.  Instead, it happens unintentionally or for cynical reasons. 

Unconscious Bias 

We don’t like to admit that we’re all subject to unconscious bias.  I know can be.  I visualise a certain person for a role and I know my clients do too.  Age is included as we think ‘this job would suit a young person’ or ‘this job would suit a graduate’.  This can lead to age discrimination even at the job specification stage as people often put exactly that.  It certainly happens at the interview stage when the person sitting in front of you doesn’t match the image you had in your mind. 

Cost Saving 

More cynically, people recruit younger people because they think they can pay them less.  This is something that really annoys me, as it’s unfair and undervalues young people. 


Arbitrary years of experience is another pet annoyance of mine.  Who’s to say that someone who has 10 years of experience is going to be better than someone with two years experience?  It also constitutes age discrimination because it means people below a certain age can’t apply. 

Avoiding Age Discrimination 

A starting place would be, to always write skills-based job description.  Think in terms of what people can and can’t do, rather than who they are.  Have set interview questions to ensure you ask everyone the same questions and don’t get drawn into age related questions.  Challenge your reasons for including some specifications such as education and ask yourself ‘are these really needed for the role or is it to fit the image of the candidate I have in my mind?’  Keep an open mind and avoid stereotypical assumptions. 

For more information about age related discrimination, look out for this month’s blog at www.pierrecruitment.co.uk