What is an Inspirational Leader?

29th February 2016

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What does being an inspirational leader mean? Could you be one?

People often talk about leaders being an “inspirational leader” – but when you hear that, what do you understand that to mean?

The dictionary definition is “to fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative” (Oxford Pocket Dictionary). When has that happened to you? What was it like? I suspect you won’t remember the exact detail, but you will remember how you felt!

My understanding of inspirational leadership was refreshingly captured in this Forbes post: http://onforb.es/1cpDvKG

A nice way to summarise what you need to do to become an inspirational leader is:

  • Earn trust
  • Have a clear plan and a clear purpose
  • Be optimistic
  • Be enthusiastic
  • Understand the ‘WIIFM?’ of your employees, e.g. job security
  • Paint a picture with true stories
  • Invite participation

Why is it important?

Stephen Covey (my favourite leadership guru) says: “My experience is that significant distrust doubles the cost of doing business and triples the time it takes to get things done. Trust is like a performance multiplier, enabling organisations to succeed in their communications, interactions, and decisions, and to move with incredible speed. A recent Watson Wyatt study showed that high trust companies outperform low trust companies by nearly 300%!”

Covey explains that this comprises two dimensions: character and competence.

Character includes your integrity, motive, and intent with people. Competence includes your capabilities, skills, results, and track record. Both dimensions are vital. The foundation of trust is your own credibility. When a leader’s credibility and reputation are high, it enables them to establish trust fast. How do you build trust?

  • Talk straight
  • Demonstrate
  • Respect
  • Create transparency
  • Right wrongs
  • Show loyalty
  • Deliver results
  • Get better
  • Confront reality
  • Clarify expectations
  • Practice accountability
  • Listen first
  • Keep commitments
  • Extend trust – you reap what you sow!!

This topic featured as one of the workshops at the first “Leadership that gets Results Conference” which ran October 2015. It was so successful that by popular demand I have agreed to organise the second one. November 22nd and 23rd 2016 we will be at The Grand Hotel Eastbourne again with experts and successful business owners sharing their knowledge and experience with the delegates. I am delighted to be able to announce that Kate Lester of Diamond Logistics will be delivering a key note speech.

Kate’s success includes winning: Real Business First Women Awards 2015, ‘Entrepreneur’ category; Encouraging Women into Franchising Awards 2015 – ‘New Woman Franchisor of the Year’ category; AI Business Excellence Awards 2015 ‘Business Woman of the Year UK’ category, amongst other accolades for Diamond Logistics.

She is just one of the experts delivering at the event. If you’d like to secure one of the few spaces available please get in touch. Tickets are on sale now and limited to just 30 as a maximum number of spaces, as we like to keep it intimate and workshop-based,so that people can really apply their learning and take away some real action points that will move their leadership and their businesses forward. An added bonus is that the event is accredited by the Continuing Professional Standards Office. Each delegate will be issued a certificate to recognise their CPD hours.

To become an expert leader who creates outstanding results requires character and competence. Why not work on your competence this November and spend some focused time learning your craft of leadership?

Call 01323 332316 or 07545217966 or

email rachel@bespoketrainingeastbourne.com

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