What is Tailored Software, and why would I need it?

8th March 2021

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By James Kelly, www.storganise.co.uk

Compare yourself to a business making biscuits.

You start off making lovely biscuits because you love baking.

You give them to friends, and they like them telling you you’re onto a winner.

Feeling bold, you start selling them and, hey presto, a small enterprise is born.

You soon get so popular that you need a bigger oven.

And then some staff to help you package them up, deliver and sell them.

Your next step is to get some machines which make the biscuits for you.

All is going well; your systems and processes have grown with your biscuit baking success.

Your business is No Different

You started out doing what you love.

You used spreadsheets to track your clients and sales.

There were a lot of Word documents for Invoices and Budget sheets.

A bookkeeper came along to help rein in your receipts and invoices.

And this all worked well but then you started getting bigger, and the spreadsheets, journals and scraps of paper weren’t working.

If you were selling biscuits, you would now be getting some machines to take care of the graft.

Think of a piece of Tailored Software as the biscuit-making machine for your business. It takes care of things so you can concentrate on what you love to do.

Get off spreadsheets and paper and on to software created specifically to work the way you want it to.

We have been building systems and small processes for businesses for 9 years.

Sometimes we are asked to build a simple way to track Quotes, Invoices and Purchase Orders.

Other businesses need a centralised contacts database that can be accessed by all their staff, from home, the office, or on the move.

Job setting, assigning tasks, tracking assets, even complete Music storage systems – anything your business does, can be catered for by having your own software made.

The more niche your business, the less likely you are to find the perfect way of working available in a pre-built app.

That’s where we come in, and have worked with some wonderfully diverse clients – Comedy Promoters, Sign Makers, Estate Agent PR Companies, Financial Institutions, Pharmaceutical Corporations, Energy Salesmen, Charities, Orchestra Fixers, Unions, Freighting Companies, Travel Agents; the list keeps on growing.

It’s a rewarding process for the client –

• Staff become more engaged, because they are being listened to, and given a streamlined way of doing their job.

• Managers can see reports instantly rather than waiting for complicated data to be collected

• Business owners see growth potential with the huge amounts of hours being saved from all of their workers’ days.

How long does this sort of thing take?

We like to get the first draft to our customers within 2-4 weeks so they don’t lose interest.