What would it take to completely reimagine how you talk about your work?

8th July 2024

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By Toby Moore, facilitator of TALK24.

Every day, almost all of us will be asked questions like “what do you do for a living?” or “what does your business do again?” And so, in lieu of a more interesting question, what might make for a far more exciting answer? For many, this journey might take you to some kind of “We do ABC for XYZ”.

What if you could dig deeper? To let go of the familiar and find new language and stories, which genuinely make how you talk about your work totally unmistakable and unforgettable to others?

Well, that is exactly what we did in June. Together with six founders, we disappeared into the countryside to connect with nature, rest, eat… and TALK. I was able to lean on my decade of curating TEDxBrighton, to facilitate three days of thinking, questioning, storytelling and seeking out clarity.

We stayed in the Sussex home of famed food writer Gilly Smith, whose house, studio, meadows and woodland, made for an unbeatable environment for renewed thinking.

With birds and bees all around, wildflowers bursting through everywhere you look, and a lone peacock calling out somewhere in the distance. Nature now has become an important canvas for much of my work.

Through TEDx this year we asked ‘What Would Nature Do’ to help repoint our attention at how the natural world serves us. And through our agency, Possible, we now purely focus on telling powerful stories about humanities’ most abundant Earth and Space Missions.

It was magic watching what a few careful questions, the peace and harmony of nature and a rainbow of good foods could do for our six founders, and the stories they chose to tell about their work.

