
10th March 2020

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Whoopsadaisy is a Brighton-based charity helping children with physical disabilities become more mobile, confident and independent, and reach their full potential.

At Whoopsadaisy, we always focus on what children can do, rather than what they are unable to do. Our ‘Conductive Education’ approach is not only about physical skills – such as being able to sit up, stand or walk without help – it’s also about self-confidence, being able to communicate, sit at the table with the rest of the family for a meal, or get dressed independently.

The children all have cerebral palsy or other motor disorders affecting their posture, co-ordination, balance and mobility. They often need help with eating, drinking, getting dressed and going to the toilet; many of the children also have speech difficulties and rely on communication aids to express themselves.

In Whoopsadaisy’s Under-fives Groups children work hard towards big goals such as learning to crawl, sit unaided, take their first steps or eat and drink by themselves, with every small achievement along the way boosting their confidence. Parents learn how to help their children become more independent at home, and are able to share ideas and experiences.

By the time they are five, most of the children are independent enough to start school. To help them meet this new challenge and participate as fully as possible in school life, the charity also provides Holiday Clubs and term-time ‘Saturday School’ sessions. Here, 5 to 12-year-olds can continue learning new skills and building their independence in a safe, friendly and fun environment.

‘Our son’s progress is brilliant, and the mobility he has achieved means we no longer have to carry him everywhere. It has been amazing to see him progressing from the rollator, to the tripod sticks and on to taking independent steps. Without a doubt, he would not have the level of independence he has if he didn’t come to Whoopsadaisy.’
A Whoopsadaisy parent

Whoopsadaisy receives no government funding, so we rely on charitable donations and fundraising. We could not help local children with physical disabilities without our generous supporters from Brighton, Hove and across Sussex, including our diverse and creative local business community.

Supporting Whoopsadaisy is a special way for companies to feel part of their local communities, motivate their teams and make their customers feel good. Here are a few ways your company can support us:

Choose Whoopsadaisy as your Charity of the Year and get your staff and customers involved

• Enable your employees to make regular tax-free donations (Payroll Giving)

• Hold your own fundraising event such as a golf day, a pub quiz, or a charity dinner

• Sign up for challenge events like the Brighton Marathon, Tough Mudder or Race the Sun.

We are extremely grateful for the time and commitment already given to us by the business community and we want to build on this vital support!

To find out more about Whoopsadaisy and how you can help, please contact our Corporate & Community Fundraiser, Caroline Matanle on 01273 554178


Reg. Charity no. 1083024