Why exhibiting your business pays dividends…

31st January 2022

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As the final preparations get under way for the 2022  Brighton & Hove Business Show, we discover what makes business exhibitions so worthwhile.

Hundreds of businesses will attend the Brighton & Hove Business Show at The Amex Stadium Brighton on June 23rd 2022. Many will be visiting the event to make new connections and find great local suppliers. Others will be putting their products and services in the spotlight with exhibition stands. 

Among this year’s exhibitors are brands whose names are synonymous with local networking events and business expos. They have learned that face-to-face marketing is one of the best ways to showcase their unique selling points. Showing others, in person, the benefits their business delivers is easy when you have a captive audience.

The Brighton & Hove Business Show brings everyone together in one place, on one day. It makes the process of promoting a business and what it 

does more efficient and convenient. With good footfall there are more and more opportunities to network and generate leads.

Mike Monk is a seasoned exhibition & networking specialist. He has been organising Expos for the past few years and explains: “Having an event like this on your doorstep makes reaching new customers easier. Our exhibitors benefit from great exposure – without having to travel too far from their base or spending a fortune.

“The key benefit is that the Brighton & Hove Business Show raises the profile of local brands and those who want to grow their business locally”. They can meet potential customers in person and demonstrate what they do and how their services or products can be of benefit to other businesses. With opportunities to sponsor elements of the show, take part in networking events and learn from inspirational, industry-leading speakers, there is a lot going on to attract visitors.

Our workshops offer outstanding promotional opportunities. We recommend that people visiting the expo bring plenty of business cards – to ensure the connections they make can be followed up on.”

Brands opting to reserve a portion of their marketing budgets to attend business expos benefit from online promotion before, during and after the event. This further raises the profile of exhibitors by putting their brand in front of new audiences. Getting exposure on leading social networking platforms is important and can drive traffic to exhibitors’ profiles and websites.

Mike explains: “Business Exhibitions like the Brighton & Hove Business Show have a ripple effect because they connect with people across multiple platforms.

With top keynote speakers and seminars led by experts from a cross-section of industries, a business exhibition offers inspirational ideas to drive growth in the local economy. Many of those attending free events are looking for innovative ways to not just grow their businesses but make them more efficient. With customer engagement, automation and digital sales high on the agenda, there’s plenty to learn from carefully chosen speakers.

Of course, one of the biggest plus-points of exhibiting your business at this event is that it is great fun. You get to meet new people in a relaxed environment where everyone wants to connect and find out what you do. 

Not exhibiting at the Brighton & Hove Business Show? You can attend the event for free. Want to put your business in the spotlight? Why not book a stand at the Brighton & Hove Business Show on…  

Thursday June 23rd 2022 10am to 3pm at The Amex Stadium Brighton.


Connecting Businesses…

 To find out more call Mike Monk on 01273 286133 or Mobile 07885
or email him