Why hire a digital marketing agency?

11th October 2019

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Disclaimer – as an agency owner I’m probably not impartial!

There are plenty of misconceptions people have around hiring a digital marketing agency and whilst, yes, obviously I’m here to tell you why they’re not true, I also want to illustrate just what it is that you’re getting when you’re considering reaching out to an agency.

A whole team of experts an email, call or meeting away

As with any problem, there are usually several different ways to approach a challenge, and this is exactly what you get when you decide to instruct an agency. Depending on how you outline your challenges within a proposal and how an agency has sold its services in, you’re going to work with a whole team of professionals rather than one or two in-house employees.

Industry knowledge and insight

Hand-in-hand with having your own dedicated professionals on side, you can guarantee a diverse team with far-reaching experience and adaptable natures.

Scrumming, brainstorming and planning

There are processes within digital agencies that you just don’t get in-house, usually down to time constraints, internal structures and general capacity. Agency teams have the luxury of dedicated planning time for their clients and can use this in different ways, such as creative brainstorming sessions and sprint plans, plus regular check-in time for results, potential issues and progress updates.

An extension of your in-house team

I know for certain that my team see themselves as an extension of their clients’ teams as we work hard to maintain strong, collaborative relationships.

Access to a suite of specialist tools

Making the decision to spend company money on tools you’re unfamiliar with is a daunting one, particularly if your teams don’t hold the specialist knowledge to get the most out of them. It can also be costly, for what might turn out to have limited use within your team.

Hiring an agency means having access to a whole range of specialist resources, such as email service providers, SEO tools and social listening platforms. What’s more, you don’t need to worry about learning to use them all at once, as your agency colleagues can manage this day-to-day and might even provide upskilling training when the time is right.

James Dempster

Managing Director, Cobb Digital