Why I Became a Trustee at Rockinghorse – My Story

13th September 2021

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On 2nd May 2015 our amazing twins were born. We were thrown straight into the roller coaster of parenthood when our daughter Sienna was born with no complications, but then our son Luca struggled to survive due to a prolapsed cord. We watched, helpless, as doctors flooded the room and took over the enormous responsibility of keeping our son alive.

The focus and determination they showed in those early moments will never leave our minds. Luca was given oxygen and a relatively new “cooling mat” treatment to prevent his tiny brain from swelling. We were given the devastating news that he might not survive, but if he did was likely to face severe brain damage. The nurses in the days ahead were nothing short of angels. The Trevor Mann Baby Unit which we had heard of but never thought we would need became our lifeline.

Every minute was spent watching and hoping that Luca would survive. We saw the dedication and care given to every single child first hand. Day by day Luca built up his strength and overcame small milestones. We started to get some more positive feedback from doctors over the coming weeks and by week 4 we were able to take Luca home to meet his sister Sienna.

We had two years of testing and monitoring and then aged 2 years old we were so happy to say that Luca had reached every milestone alongside his sister. We could call it a miracle. But like many things in life, it wasn’t luck, but the relentless hard work of the doctors and nurses at the Trevor Mann Baby Unit that kept our son alive. 

At that stage we made a promise to support and do as much as possible to help this amazing charity. We can never repay what this means to us. But we hope over the past 6 years through various events, fundraisers, marathons, sponsorship and auctions raising over £10,000 so far, that the funds will go to people and equipment to whom we literally owe our lives.’

Now as a Trustee I aim to continue my support and do even more to spread awareness and support for this incredible charity.