Why is resilience so important, and 5 tips on how to remain resilient;

2nd July 2021

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As the country navigates 2021 and the effects of COVID-19, it has become apparent that resilient and agile businesses are more important now than ever before. 

However, creating teams of resilient staff can be challenging, especially if you are the only person on the payroll. 

Resilience is the ability to succeed in times of uncertainty, to weather the storm and to come out the other side in control, confident and ready for more.  

Here are 9 reasons why resilience is extremely important at work and in business; 

1.Helps you to become emotionally agile.

2. Helps to avoid worry or self-doubt.

3. Supports you to overcome rejection. 

4. Allows you to accept negative thoughts, without judgement and allow them to pass without consuming your thoughts.

5. Helps communication, negotiation or conflict with others.

6. Helps you to stay focused. 

7. Supports an effective work/life balance. 

8. Improves wellbeing.

9. Supports effective decision making and problem solving. 

Here are my personal, 5 tips on how to create a resilient mindset;

1.Go on a peaceful, mindful walk. Clear your mind, with each step, notice the feeling of the ground beneath your feet. Breathe and focus on the ground beneath your feet. As you place each foot down, say an affirmation – I am amazing, I am confident, I am capable. 

2. Take your mind away from the situation you are trying to overcome. Focus on what is around you; Look for 5 sounds, Look for 5 colours, Look for 5 red things, Look for 5 square things. Allow your mind to simply focus on what is around you.

3. Connect with others. We are social creatures, we need to be around others. If you can, meet your tribe, friends, business buddies, mentors and talk things through. Bounce ideas around and come up with a plan. Do not try to do it alone. 

4. Journal, write your thoughts down, this is a great practice to get into the habit of doing daily. Each evening simply write down 3 things you are grateful for. If overwhelm is too much, take a coffee, pen and paper and sit in the garden (if it’s not raining and cold!) and write your thoughts down.

5. Recall and remember all the times you have overcome challenges in the past, you are already capable and have overcome so much before. Remind yourself of all the times you have faced challenges and how you overcame them. 

Enjoy the process, and never forget how amazing and capable you are! 

If you need any further help and support in creating resilient, profitable and successful staff within your business, please let me know, I am here to support you. You can reach me via my website www.thepeoplecentricbusiness.com

Speak soon,
The People Centric Business