Why should you use a commercial finance broker?

5th August 2023

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At a time of market uncertainty, Andy Page, Head of Commercial Finance at Seico, explains why it makes sound financial sense.

I hope you’re taking time out from your busy schedule to enjoy another (glorious?) summer of English sport, perhaps even getting to the County Ground to watch our beloved Sussex. Who knows, perhaps your next business idea might come to you as you watch a cover-drive race away to the boundary for 4. So, what’s your best course of action once that light bulb has appeared above your head?

If you’re looking to buy a business premises, invest in property or to expand your business, here are 5 good reasons why talking to Seico Commercial Finance makes sense.

Access to a wider range of lenders and financing options. At Seico, I have relationships with numerous lenders and can find the best terms and rates for your specific business needs. This saves you time from having to shop around on your own.

Expertise and market knowledge. Brokers are experts in commercial financing and stay up-to-date on the latest products, rates, and regulations. They can advise you on the pros and cons of different options.

Efficiency and convenience. A broker handles the loan paperwork, communication with lenders, and negotiations on your behalf. This streamlines the financing process.

Better terms. Brokers may be able to negotiate better interest rates or fees compared to what you could get directly from a lender and will go into bat on your behalf. Their relationships with lenders provide leverage.

Unbiased guidance. As an independent third party, a commercial finance broker can provide unbiased recommendations on the best lending options for you. They are not tied to any one lender.

In summary, a commercial finance broker serves as an intermediary to simplify financing, leverage relationships with lenders, and ultimately help secure more favourable loan terms for your business. Their expertise and efficiency can save you time and money.

Seico has been successfully looking after clients since 1991. If you have an idea which requires funding, please get in touch with me- there’s nothing to lose by having a discussion.

You can email: Andrew@seicogroup.com

Or call: 03330 063 095
