Why should your business consider partnering with Seico Group?

16th April 2024

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Here’s how existing partners benefit from being connected to a mortgage specialist with more than three decades of experience and success.

Some companies partner with Seico because what it offers is core to their business but they don’t have the inhouse expertise or an established reputation in mortgage brokering or commercial finance. Mortgages is a service they want to offer to their customers to enhance their provision and they want to enjoy the additional revenue stream.

Other businesses want to broaden out the services they offer and see mortgages as complementary and helpful to their customers, as well as generating an income stream for their company.

Michael Jacobs, COO of Seico Group, said: “Working with Seico allows our partners to offer their customers a really fantastic additional service and at the same time introduce a new revenue stream to their business at no extra cost in time and effort. Our whole business revolves around servicing our partners’ clients. so we treat them like royalty – and our partners share in everything we earn. You are able to help your customers source a mortgage or a commercial loan from a deeply trusted provider and make extra revenue at the same time.”

Partners benefit from being able to confidently refer clients to a mortgage and commercial finance specialist with over 33 years in the industry who can expertly look after them for all their residential or commercial borrowing needs.

If your business would like to discuss partnering with Seico Group and start enjoying the benefits, please do get in touch by emailing:


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