Why should your business consider partnering with Seico Group?

16th January 2025

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Confidence and trust is a key driver of new business to Seico Group, especially when it comes to mortgages and commercial finance.

Some companies partner with Seico because it is core to their business but they don’t have the inhouse expertise or an established reputation in mortgage brokering or commercial finance. Mortgages is a service they want to offer to their customers to enhance their service and they want to enjoy the additional revenue stream.

Other businesses want to broaden out the services they offer and see mortgages as complementary and helpful to their customers as well as generating an income stream for their company.

Partners benefit from being able to confidently refer clients to a mortgage and commercial finance specialist with over 33 years in the industry who can expertly look after them for all their residential or commercial borrowing needs.

If your business would like to discuss partnering with Seico Group and start enjoying the benefits, get in touch by emailing:

01273 778888