Why you need a mortgage broker – now more than ever

10th July 2023

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Rob Starr, CEO of Seico Group, explains how to navigate a turbulent mortgage market…

It’s a bumpy ride at the moment in the mortgage market. Interest rates seem to be changing as quickly as the tide changes and despite our best efforts at always being positive even we are finding the journey a little hard to enjoy. So, if we feel like that, we can only imagine what you must be feeling like.

The problem you’re facing is really more than just the rise in interest rates. Of course, any rise in rates is painful and it may mean that you have to borrow less, or that your monthly payments are stretching you to an uncomfortable position. However, that really is not the main issue, as when it comes to affordability You ultimately will find what is affordable to You. The issue that really is causing the problem is the instability of the market – the fact that the rates seem to be changing so quickly and deals are being pulled left right and centre. I truly believe that this will settle down and you can get some confidence again, but it is going to take many months to do that and in the interim confusion and instability will reign.

So it is at times like these, when the seas get choppy, that you need an experienced and fearless captain at the wheel. So when I say you need an experienced and honest mortgage broker advising you more than ever before, I truly mean it. An experienced and fully independent mortgage broker is able to follow the market minute by minute and make sure you have the best deal that is available to you and get that deal locked in before it vanishes. I would suggest it is almost impossible to do this yourself as a borrower right now. 

Even in more secure and stable times, you will struggle to understand all the deals available, but in waters as choppy as these it is nigh impossible. 

An independent mortgage broker not only has the information in front of them minute by minute, but also has the ears of the lenders.

So at any time, no matter the conditions out there, you can be sure that the deal being shown to you is one that not only is viable from a borrowing point of view, but also is the best one available at that moment and can be held in place.

And then, what happens when you have a mortgage in place, how will you make sure that it is always the best available? Well, we have a solution for that as well, like a calm sea in a marina during a storm we can present to you our mortgage tracking service. Once your mortgage is completed our mortgage monitor will be working 24/7 365 days a year for you, so at all times you will know the value of your home, the amount you owe and if there is a better deal out there for you.

Seico Mortgage Brokers have all the experience you need to make sure your journey to securing a mortgage is in a sea that is as calm as possible and that no matter what happens in the future you will always have us keeping a watchful eye out there for you. And as Independents we have the entire mortgage market at our disposal. Now is the time you need a calm head and an experienced captain at the wheel and Seico brokers are without a doubt a perfect vessel to deliver this.

For advice on your mortgage with one of

Seico’s brokers, please call: 01273 778888 or email mortgages@seicogroup.com
