Widen your network in 2024 with Network Xpress

16th January 2024

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2024 started with a bang with Storm Henk making a bold arrival. But the weather won’t get in the way of us making 2024 the best yet, writes Sonny Cutting.

Network Xpress remains committed to helping people across the country connect and have fun. Which is why we’ve compiled our top three tips on how you can widen your professional network in 2024.

3 top tips to widen your professional network in 2024

1. Find your community at a  monthly meetup.

Bill Withers was onto something – we all need somebody to lean on. Widening your professional network helps you, particularly during a crisis. But knowing somebody at face value is different to truly leaning on someone you trust.

Cultivating a community at a regular monthly lunch hub means you widen your professional network with people who you can trust. So you can get business advice, without the hefty professional price tag.

Top Tip: Check out the Directors’ Hub for a brilliant community that meets monthly.

2. Try something new or go to a  new event.

It can be easy to find yourself mingling with the same groups of people over and over again. But as this happens, you also find that your professional network network just doesn’t seem to get any wider.

Which is why we encourage all our clients, friends and colleagues to try something new. Consider joining a conference in an entirely new industry or simply make sure to chat to as many people as possible at exhibitions.

By stepping outside of your comfort zone, you open the doors to a whole new network.

Top Tip: Check out the Sussex Business Show for a new networking opportunity or the Entrepreneurs Blogs for something new.

3. Give back to the community

Volunteering or helping others is a great way to widen your professional network. By giving time to others, you cross paths with people you may never have connected with otherwise.

This could be volunteering at a soup kitchen, or even helping other businesses on their journey. You never know who you’ll meet or what professional networking opportunities there may be.

Top Tip: Check out how you could help young people embark on their careers at the Tiger’s Pen.

Happy 2024 to all – here’s to another year of connection!

At Network Xpress, we’re ready to take on the new year – full of innovation, growth and of course, connection. We thank the ongoing trust and support from our partners, clients and friends.

Our vision of the Brighter Business Path to support businesses across Sussex is reflected in each of our event services. For a brighter future for your business in 2024.

For more information, please visit
