Will this be the way we work going forward?

28th May 2020

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How could companies in the UK have prepared for what happened this year? With Covid-19 pushing government to enforce a nationwide lockdown, businesses who were accustomed to working a certain way, suddenly had to change and adapt.

Some succeeded, others failed. Those who adapted were prepared thanks to advanced communication tools such as Zoom, Google Meetings and Microsoft 365 Teams. In fact, according to Google, the largest internet browser by user capacity, the search terms ‘Zoom’ and ‘Teams’ both increased by over 4000% in the months of March and April 2020. Combined with the increased searches for ‘remote working’ and ‘work from home’ over the same period, it became evident that people were looking for tools to help them continue working away from the office.

In recent weeks, remote working became the hottest topic for industries across the world. More companies than ever introduced permanent remote working policies while others actively researched available tools and processes that would make implementing remote working policies possible.

The question is, will this be the way we work going forward?

Yes, if companies want to adapt to the lessons learned. There are several great tools available to business in the UK, but few offer the benefits of Microsoft 365 (formally Office 365). With cross-functional tools such as Excel and Word already popular among millions, unified communication tools like Teams make connecting with colleagues easier than ever before. And now, Teams can do one more amazing thing.

Thanks to NX Pro, Microsoft Teams users can now call landline and mobile numbers directly from the app! Users can use Teams as a telephone system from any device and integrate their calling into a unified telecommunication solution. This means users can potentially save thousands on their office phone system.

At Overline, we have packaged an incredible deal for businesses across the UK. Sign up for an NX Pro and Microsoft 365 Business Premium license to easily make your Teams app your dedicated office phone system. Having grown with our partners over the last 25 years, we are excited to help companies like yours develop and adapt to new workplace technologies.

Call Overline on 0330 118 5000 or contact@overline.com today for help.