Wolo Africa 100 Trail Run and Trek

18th January 2023

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In partnership with Africa Wild Trails, and hosted by Zingela Safari & River Company, a team of runners and hikers set out on a mammoth multi-day mission to raise money for Wolo, a Sussex charity supporting families affected by cancer.

The team embarked on an incredible 10-day journey through the African bush, the Tugela River and rural Zulu communities. Running or trekking 16 miles a day for six days through areas where there is plenty of wildlife, wonderful scenery and friendly people. The terrain was varied but predominantly undulating game paths, dotted with tall standing aloes and acacias. 

There was an underlying ethos of nature conservation, with the mission culminating in the release of a giraffe to help increase the gene pool of the current population – essential to the future of this vulnerable species.

After arrival at Durban International Airport, and transfer to the lodge, the team were greeted by the team leader, and an initial trail briefing during dinner. This was followed by a talk around the fire about giraffe conservation from a local ecologist. 

Day two consisted of a short acclimatisation run and trek, followed by the group spending time getting to know each other, and a dip in the river!  Others went kayaking, and there was plenty of wildlife and views to enjoy.

Days three to seven were when the 100-mile journey began!  Averaging 16 miles a day, the team ran or trekked through a variety of stunning and inspiring locations, ranging from game reserves to rural villages.  Spending 2 nights at Emaweni Camp, the team had the opportunity to visit 2 local communities. 

Chris Goodman, a participant, said: “At two locations we were treated to wonderful hospitality. They performed traditional dances and sang songs. We tasted their ‘grog’, a fermented maize beer. We ate boiled maize – much like popcorn. Everyone smiled and laughed, and we were left feeling blessed and privileged to have been welcomed into their communities.”

It was an early start for part of the group on day eight, as they went to Nambiti Private Game Reserve to witness the capture of the giraffe that would be released later that day. The group managed to capture two male giraffes, named Wolo and Logan, ready to be released back into the wild.

Chris said of the moment after the release: “The team of handlers, researchers and vets were all on hand to make sure the release went according to plan, and once in position the two giraffes were released.  Slightly wobbly at first, they stumbled out, but were soon striding out through the acacia trees. It was a humbling moment. The culmination of years of research and then funding to bring about what will in time secure the future of the giraffes in Emaweni and Zingela. A truly emotional moment for all the group, after completing 100 miles, this was definitely a WOLO moment!”

“As we drove away, awestruck by what we’d just witnessed, we were only just beginning to realise the significance of the past week.  It wasn’t just about the 100 miles, or raising money to support cancer sufferers, it was the very essence of Wolo. We only live once; and with that one life, we must protect the future of our planet so that those who come after us have a sustainable and vibrant planet in which to live theirs.”

The rest of day eight was spent at Nambiti Private Game Reserve. Some well-earned time to relax and enjoy a safari, where they were lucky enough to see lions, elephants, rhinos and buffalo in their natural habitats.  

The following day, the group departed Nambiti for their flights home, secure in the knowledge of just how big a challenge they had completed, and the beginning of the realisation of the impact the journey had on their lives. 

Participants completed this challenge to raise funds for Wolo Foundation. In reality, they not only helped to raise funds for Wolo, they also embarked on a personal journey, made life-long friends, and had a life-changing experience. Their efforts also helped to secure the future generation of giraffes in the country. What a trip! 

If you are interested in raising money for a local charity and creating an African journey with memories that will last a lifetime in 2023, please visit wolofoundation.org for more information.

About the Wolo Foundation

Its mission is to help improve the quality of life of families in Sussex affected by cancer. 

Wolo stands for ‘we only live once’, the perfect way to describe their ethos – to make the most of each day. Life is a blessing and we need to enjoy it; doing the things we love, with the ones we love.

Husband and wife team, Justin and Fler Wright set up Wolo Foundation after a cancer diagnosis of their own. With three young children to support, they were shocked at what little help there was out there for families like theirs. Knowing they didn’t want others to go through it like they did, ignited a little flame inside their hearts – and that’s how the idea began.

Wolo Foundation registered as a charity in 2020 and helps families living in Sussex through their cancer journeys. They support them by offering practical help and support to make their day-to-day lives easier. They work with other charities, local businesses and communities to offer families a wealth of services to support them through diagnosis, treatment and beyond. 

Who does Wolo help?

Any family living in Sussex with a child or children under the age of 16 years at the point of diagnosis. They support all family members, whether it be an adult or child with a diagnosis – siblings and partners are supported too. They currently have almost 100 families and upwards of 200 children in their Wolo community.

How does Wolo help?

Every family is unique, and every cancer is different. Wolo’s bespoke approach recognises that people don’t always know what they need. Wolo offers all family members emotional guidance and practical help. From mental health support and complementary therapies, to practical help with cleaning, childcare, will writing or home maintenance issues. Nothing is too much trouble.  

How you can help

Wolo is looking for anyone who can offer a service to a family going through cancer treatment – whether it be therapy, childcare, legal help, memory making opportunities, counselling, gardening, decorating, car maintenance or a meal – literally anything! These can all funded through the charity. Wolo are passionate about collaboration with businesses, community groups and other charities to help make a difference to the lives of local families going through cancer.

Wolo hold a variety of fundraising events throughout the year and are always looking for willing participants who want to help raise funds by doing a skydive, wing walk, ice bath or similar. 

Wolo are seeking 100 businesses/CEO’s to join the exclusive Wolo 100 club. To join, you need to commit to donating £100 per month to Wolo, for a minimum of 12 months. 

Statistics show that 1 in 2 people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Life is precious – we need to make the most of it – we only live once – Wolo! 


For the second year running, Wolo Foundation in collaboration with Africa Wild Trails, will deliver an international charity run, trek/adventure fundraiser in September/October 2023

Limited places available. Register your interest/find out more here: https://wolofoundation.org/wolo-africa-100-2023