Women in Broking: Jaymie Stanbrook

8th March 2023

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Jaymie Stanbrook is the Fleet Services Manager at Rivervale, successfully and effectively leading the fleet team for over three years.

Jaymie accidentally started her career in automotive back in 2001 when she took a temporary job at a fleet management company while she prepared for a career in the police. That temp job developed into a broking career that has now spanned more than two decades. 

Jaymie says: “My first fleet temp job made me realise I had the gift of the gab and the leasing industry suited me. I also figured out that the pay in automotive was much better than the police force!”

Jaymie built her career from the bottom-up which she says was hugely valuable for learning the ropes and building up a strong understanding of the industry. Starting at administrative level, she quickly progressed into an account management followed by new business and then senior management roles. This has culminated in her current fleet services manager role for Rivervale Leasing.

Jaymie joined Rivervale Leasing in 2019 and was tasked with setting up a new fleet department from scratch. Despite the pandemic, Jaymie says that she is delighted the department has gone from strength to strength. In addition to leading the fleet department, her role includes managing and developing strategic policy, overseeing the management of fleet maintenance and project management of all departmental development and innovation.

One of the key drivers for Jaymie joining Rivervale Leasing was the fact that the business is a great equal opportunity advocate and the company is constantly evolving. Within Jaymie’s fleet team 90 percent are women and were selected for the roles due to their excellent relationship skillsets. Jaymie feels broking is a great career choice, saying: “I love the variety of the work. I also really enjoy the customer management side of my role and developing relationships for the life of the contract. Also, post-covid, like many industries, broking now offers more flexible working which is appealing to many prospective employees. Broking is a really fun and rewarding industry to work in.”

She feels that she has been very well supported by the business and there has been good flexibility which is important to her. That support has meant that Jaymie is about to qualify as a special constable having trained during lockdown. She is thrilled that she is now able to fulfil her original dream of working with the police in tandem with a rewarding broking career.

During her time as a leasing broker, Jaymie has noticed an increase in women on the customer side – both in fleet management and senior leadership roles, but she feels that the broking industry is still very male dominated. Jaymie’s view is that there is more for both employers and industry bodies to do to encourage women into the industry. 

She believes that there is a lack of both awareness and understanding of the roles available, saying: “Marketing is needed to highlight the roles we have in broking and the benefits of working in the industry. We need to encourage more women to put themselves forward. I’d say to any women considering a broking or automotive career, don’t be afraid to go for these positions, employers are really keen to bring in more women. Have courage in your convictions and just go for it.”
