Workspace Solutions

9th May 2016

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Basepoint offers high quality workspaces to let, including services and managed offices, whilst also offering excellent networking opportunities – allowing start-up businesses to get the right foundations to grow.


Basepoint are dedicated to supporting SMEs and start-up businesses. In addition to their range of business services, they aim to provide the right infrastructure and environment to encourage and nurture business growth – not only within their centres, but also in the local business community. Basepoint Business Centres provide a wide range of quality, cost-effective, dog friendly, managed and flexible office spaces designed to suit all companies. All their units are available on ‘easy-in’, ‘easy-out’, flexible 2 week rolling contracts and they can also offer longer or short term commitments; from 6 month contracts to 5 year leases. The business centre group also offers additional services such as free membership, virtual office packages, call answering and on-site serviced meeting rooms.

Lounge (1)Facilitating and encouraging SMEs to develop a network of contacts is an important aspect of the business centre operator’s ethos, which is why all Basepoint Centres host free busines-to-business ‘Networking Hubs’. Following research and feedback from customers, Basepoint discovered that a number of SME’s weren’t satisfied with their networking options. Obstacles such as early morning starts, few attendees, same attendees, lack of guest speakers and stringent formats were just a few of the issues highlighted.

Rebecca Gattinesti, Regional Manager for Basepoint explained: “Our centre staff have long been attending networking events hosted by external companies, and while these networking groups can be very beneficial, some do charge a fee and can be very regimented with their approach, which doesn’t suit all SME’s. As such, we introduced a new event that was less formal, but still allowed businesses to meet like minded people – whether that’s a new business contact or a supplier – share ideas and create opportunities.”

All the Networking Hub events include talks from guest speakers, who offer tips and relevant advice across a wide range of subjects including tax, employment, social media, HR, marketing and more for small businesses. These speakers are particularly important, often providing a break from the networking format, good topics of conversation and most importantly, business advice through shared knowledge.

These events focus on smaller groups, offering an informal setting with lunch provided and a looser timetable to enable more small businesses to gain maximum benefit. On the networking events, Rebecca added: “In the minefield that is running a small business – particularly in the early stages – people need all the support and adivce they can get. With online networking becoming more popular than ever, we are losing many of our free face-to-face business advice services. This is why we have introduced guest speakers into our networking, as it allows SMEs to both learn and network at the same time. We take a proactive attitude towards building productive relationships with local businesses, education organisations and Local Authorities, and from these connections, there are often people who are willing to provide their time to speak and share their knowledge at our events. This, in turn offers SMEs opportunities to network within their local and regional business communities, as well as providing introductions to organisations that may be able to assist them.”

Upcoming Networking Hub Dates –

Crawley – 12:00, Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Shoreham – 12:00, Thursday, 23 June 2016
Newhaven – 12:00, Thursday, 14 July 2016
Haywards Heath – 12:00, Thursday, 28 July 2016

For further information or forthcoming event dates, please visit

Basepoint’s Networking Hubs are free to attend and open to all local businesses: you don’t have to be a Basepoint licensee to attend. Basepoint also provides a business car prize draw and a business 2 business exchange facility, where you can promote your business to other attendees.

The support doesn’t end there though – Basepoint licensees can also benefit from their free business support service, MiBase. This 24/7 online service gives users access to experienced business mentors via live chat, factsheets and information, as well as giving access to events and training.

On top of all of this, Basepoint actively promotes ways for members to work with each other, including a Licensee Directory* on the Basepoint mobile app, which can be downloaded on Apple iOS and Android smartphones. This app offers a quick and simple way for anyone to find their local centre, book meeting rooms on the go, get a quick quote for an office using the workspace calculator and find their nearest free networking event.

Basepoint currently operates 4 centres in the Sussex region, located in Crawley, Haywards Heath, Newhaven and Shoreham.

Basepoint Crawley, based on County Oak in Manor Royal is a popular centre in the Sussex area and has had a high level of occupancy with many businesses moving and growing within the centre. The most recent example is a company that initially started in a small one-person office and has now grown to occupy 14 units. They are now able to take the step of moving into their own premises, which is giving rise to an unusual and fantastic opportunity for new businesses to move into the centre, with a variety of different sized units coming available in the spring this year.

Me Learning moved the Basepoint Centre in Shoreham around seven years ago. When we first moved to the Centre were a start-up company with just 2 employees – we now have 32 people working for the company. The professional and comfortable and non-stressful working environment at Basepoint has been a factor in our growth. As a Director of the company, not having to spend time on the typical office issues such as: billing, cleaning, heating, phones and so on, is very important – as my time is better spent working on the business. In all our years at Basepoint we have never had reason to complain. So, thank you to Basepoint and their staff – I would have no hesitation in recommending Basepoint to any new or existing business.

Peter Murr, Me Learning Ltd

Stephanie George, Centre Manager said: “Seeing companies grow and expand is a real delight and I believe the success stories we see so often within the Basepoint Centres are a true testament to the flexibility and support we’re able to provide to SME’s. We are thrilled to now have the opportunity to work with more local businesses and assist them with their growth over the coming years.”

The Newhaven Enterprise Centre, managed by Basepoint and located on Denton Island, is also happy to announce some exciting changes that will open the doors to several new businesses in the spring. As part of the £2.5 million Newhaven Growth Quarter project, financed by the Government’s Coastal Communities Fund, the Newhaven Enterprise Centre will soon offer an additional 8,000 sq. ft. of office and workshop space, with an emphasis on green, clean and marine technologies.

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Rebecca Gattinesi commented on this exciting news: “The extension at Newhaven Enterprise Centre will provide numerous local businesses in Newhaven with the high quality flexible space they need, and will offer local employment opportunities. There is a high demand for flexible business space across our Sussex Centres, including at our most recent Centre in Haywards Heath that opened in September 2015, which is already reaching capacity. It is encouraging to see so many successful businesses across Sussex growing and benefitting from the services Basepoint provide.”

The newest Basepoint Centre, John de Mierre House, is located on Bridge Road in Haywards Heath. The Centre, built in partnership with Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council, opened its doors on 1st September 2015, welcoming 19 business through the doors in its first week.

Basepoint have been a supportive and flexible office solution for us. We first arrived at Basepoint as a team of four with limited office space requirements. Since then (3 years ago) we have grown to a team of twenty and moved our offices within Basepoint three times. Throughout this Basepoint have shown a proactive and flexible attitude to accommodate our ambitions. They combine a professional approach with a personable touch and great facilities at reasonable rates. We love it here and recommend it highly.

Sam Garrity, RocketMill

Basepoint Shoreham, located on the High Street in Shoreham-by-Sea, joined the Basepoint family in 2012. The Centre is home to 38 businesses across 49 units and has maintained high occupancy levels for the past 3 years. Roxanne Haid, Centre Manager stated ‘’Flexibility has been key to the success of the centre with many of their licensees’ upsizing or downsizing at short notice in line with market demands’’.

Prior to moving in to the Centre, I had on a number of ocassions visited the Centre and had always been very impressed by the facilities of the tenants units, and the professional manner of the staff at Reception. So therefore when I commenced my business, I knew the Newhaven Enterprise Centre was my first option and I have not regretted it for one moment. All the staff are so helpful and will go out of their way to assist in any way they can, even assisting in sourcing furniture and moving offices, nothing ever seems to be too much trouble for them. I would not hesitate in recommending any small to medium business to establish its offices at Newhaven Enterprise Centre and I just wished the Enterprise centre was here 20 years ago when I worked from home!

M Boxall, Shoreline Accountants Limited

Uniquely, Basepoint Business Centres is owned by The ACT Foundation, a leading UK grant-making charity, dedicated to improving the quality of life of those in need. As such, each Centre is dedicated to fundraising for a selected charity and The ACT Foundation match funds any money raised by the chosen charity, up to the value of £10,000 per Centre. Basepoint Crawley currently supports The Olive Tree Cancer Support Centre, Basepoint Haywards Heath is supporting The Golden Lion Children’s Trust, Basepoint Newhaven supports FitzRoy and Basepoint Shoreham is currently supporting Chestnut Tree House.

*The Licensee Directory is only available to active licensees and requires registration and authentication.

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