Your people as your biggest asset

14th November 2020

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The Coronavirus pandemic is continuing to cost lives and livelihoods across the world. Many professional services firms have adapted to new restrictions, changing client demands and ongoing economic uncertainty.

In our October conference, we looked at ideas and practices that professional services firms can implement to adapt to and even seize the new normal. But what about the people in the business? Your people are the backbone of your organisation and have played their part in keeping the business going through the pandemic. Added pressures – be they physical, mental or financial – affect their wellbeing, and the impact on your business should not be underestimated.

In the December edition of PSMC, we explore ways that professional services firms can effectively look after their people, and in the process create an engaged, motivated and resilient workforce.

Attendees will learn:

  1. How a law firm has implemented a successful cultural change programme

2.  Techniques and tips on how to increase motivation in an increasingly remote world

3.  How to spot signs of burnout and why you need to engage with it now

4.  How to increase senior partner and stakeholder buy in

And if that isn’t enough, you will also receive a refreshing Gin & Tonic in the post to enjoy during the networking element of the conference. When registering, please ensure that you include a postal address where you are able to receive the delivery in the lead up to the event.

The event will be run virtually via Remo and is supported by Network my Club.

You can find out more about the event here.

• Consortium clients will receive 1 free ticket

• Early bird £30 + VAT and booking fees (until 25th Nov 2020)

• General admission £40 + VAT and booking fees (from 25th Nov 2020)