A Footballing Lesson to Help Rebuild a Struggling Business

5th July 2016

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Your business might possess a solid foundation and have previously been successful, but are you now struggling on a new, tougher playing field?

Like the England team at the Euros, a business with proven historical results can sometimes be in danger of not being adequately prepared or resting too much on its laurels when approaching new and more challenging market conditions. This can lead to an unexpected downturn in trade which has a nullifying effect on that all-important lifeline for most enterprises: cash flow.

As England have discovered to their cost, the art of scoring goals and defending is critical to success and even focussing on just one area (defending set pieces) might not necessarily lead to that success. Similarly renewing past business innovations to discover new opportunities to recoup monies via Research and Development Tax Relief can provide much needed cash flow to assist in ailing business.

Together with the right R&D management expertise behind you, you could soon find yourself in the right position to send off an application that’s highly likely to enable you to win back market share and create an improved outlook for your business.

England went in to the Euros riding high on a reasonably long series of recent victories, but none in a major competition, where the stakes are of course considerably higher and success that much harder to obtain. They were ill prepared for lots of reasons and strugged. It’s arguable whether they were sufficiently well managed that handicapped their progress.

When it comes to R&D Tax Relief claims, Cooden Tax Consulting does understand how best to tackle the hard times to help your business to net rewards that will singularly increase your chances of recovery and future success.


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