Communication is special. It helps us feel connected and understood

8th July 2024

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By Kevan Smith, Founder of Epiphany Content.

I founded Epiphany Content six years ago because I love those moments of connection and revelation. Whether it’s finding the right words for clients or expressing their message through video, finding and sharing these epiphanies is my purpose.

Describing my own work has always been challenging. There’s something about being passionately close to what you do that makes it difficult to sum up. That’s why working with professionals is the most effective way to uncover the transformative aspects of your business. And having worked with both a branding strategist and a business strategist previously, I knew that working on finding the words for my business would be key in helping me speak about it more effectively.

Talk 24 came at the perfect time in my journey. I had recently launched Brighton United, a city-wide initiative to increase Global Majority representation in coworking spaces and networking groups, with a vision of helping to build professional relationships and collaborations across our city. While Epiphany is all about communicating those moments of connection, Brighton United is about the “Human Alchemy” of bringing together diverse groups for innovative collaborations. But how could I describe this project in a way that would instantly resonate with the community?

My experience at Talk 24, facilitated by Toby Moore and Fox, was always going to be key. I knew their work, and I had infinite trust in their process. But what I didn’t expect was how the support and investment of my fellow attendees would make such a difference in my journey. The experience provided a space for us to explore our individual projects that mattered so much to us individually and ultimately collectively. Our brilliant facilitators helped guide us, and fellow attendees helped track and reflect our progress. And even though each of our projects was incredibly unique, we shared a common thread of values-led, community-driven initiatives. This made it natural for us to support each other in finding the words to express our individual passionate journeys.

For me, the key was resonance – expressing to my community the importance of finding their precise pitch and creating beautiful harmonies with those who resonate in tune with our human symphony.

There’s a special joy in connecting your passion with words that express why it matters so much. I’m grateful for my Talk 24 experience, which helped me reach that epiphany.