Purposeful storytelling: Bridging family, business and community

8th July 2024

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TALK24 helped me tell a very personal story about how my work and family life are deeply intertwined, writes Frances Fogel.

As a mother of two young children and also an entrepreneur with two ‘business babies’, effectively communicating how it all hangs together – and keeps me going – is crucial for both my clients and myself.

Three years ago, I launched Better Bolder Braver, a diverse online community for Life and Executive coaches (“people-helpers”) who want to build successful, value-aligned coaching businesses through effective, ethical marketing.

I am so proud to have founded a top-ranking digital community, to be a repeat podcast guest, and an educational speaker for a number of international coaching accreditation and training bodies, and the world’s only B-Corp certified Executive Coach training provider.


My youngest son’s severe allergies have restricted our family’s travel over the past five years and opened our eyes, leading to creative local holiday solutions, a reduced carbon footprint and a much deeper understanding of the UK farming industry and its need for diversification. And so my second business was born this year…

As Frances Fogel – Story Strategist, I’m a “story-godmother” for purposeful businesses in London and the South East. I help craft and communicate unique stories effectively, allowing SME businesses to increase profits, engage employees, involve loyal customers, and do more good: for community and planet… punching with and above the big boys and girls.

County Business Clubs’ approach aligns perfectly with my mission to help you make authentic connections and enjoy meaningful storytelling. I love the CBC philosophy of “self-reflection rather than self-promotion” as my goal is to help business folk hold up a compassionate mirror and communicate stories – both shiny and not so shiny –  clearly, honestly, confidently and mindfully.

I hope to inspire others in the CBC community to seek growth opportunities by sharing their unique stories with confidence, creativity and intention.

So – If you are a founder, leader, or custodian of a purposeful business, I do encourage you to take full advantage of CBC’s supportive ecosystem for sharing and connecting with like-minded professionals.

Also, I invite you to listen to my own podcasts, and to connect with me on LinkedIn. Please reach out about how we might use your story to create a sustainable business and way forward for you – and for others around you.

Here’s to doing this together!

Frances Fogel – Story Strategist
