Why moving home can be stressful and how to keep your emotional health in check

8th December 2023

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Mayo Wynne Baxter offers 11 stress-relieving tips to make your move go smoothly.

Moving house is a significant life event that will create a mixed bag of emotions. Here are some proven tips on how to make these emotions positive.

Change and uncertainty

Moving entails a major life change, and change, even positive change, can be a source of stress. The uncertainty that comes with leaving the familiar and venturing into the unknown can trigger anxiety and discomfort. To avoid this you must arrange the most appropriate support for you.

Logistical challenges

The logistical aspects of moving are enough to make anyone’s head spin. From organising belongings and coordinating with movers to dealing with legal paperwork and address changes, the sheer number of tasks involved can be overwhelming. The fear of forgetting something crucial or encountering unforeseen challenges adds to the stress. It is important to instruct a good Lawyer to assist in reducing the stress.

Financial concerns

The financial aspects of moving, including the costs associated with legal work, hiring movers, packing materials, and potential unexpected expenses, contribute to the stress. The fear of financial strain or the unknowns of a new budget can add an extra layer of anxiety.

Time pressure

Moving often comes with time constraints, whether it’s due to work deadlines, lease expirations, or other commitments. The pressure to complete the move within a set timeframe can heighten stress levels, making the process feel rushed and chaotic. An experienced Lawyer will help you to be organised and give guidance on timings.

Finding a good lawyer

Choosing the right lawyer when moving house is pivotal in ensuring a smooth and legally sound transition. The hallmark of a good lawyer is effective communication; they will keep clients informed about the legal aspects of the move, explaining complex terms in a clear and easy to understand manner. A good Lawyer responds promptly to client enquiries, ensures that all necessary documents are processed in a timely manner, and keeps the client updated on the progress of all legal work on a regular basis.

A good Lawyer pays meticulous attention to every aspect, from reviewing contracts to identifying potential issues that could affect the client legally, financially or emotionally.

Never choose a lawyer on price

Too many people choose their Lawyer on price – whilst price is important to us all, choosing someone with the right qualities that will enable you to build a rapport and trust is invaluable. Speak to family and friends who have moved to obtain a recommendation from them. Also check google reviews that endorse the Lawyer for the right reasons.

Plan and organise

Another key to a successful and less stressful move is meticulous planning. Start early by using a detailed checklist of tasks, including packing, notifying utilities, and updating your address. Breaking down the process into manageable steps helps reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Seek support

Moving doesn’t have to be a solo endeavour. Enlist the help of friends or family to share the load, both physically and emotionally. Having a support system can provide encouragement, practical assistance, and a sense of camaraderie during a potentially stressful time.

Declutter mindfully

Take the opportunity to declutter and simplify your life. Approach the process of sorting through belongings with mindfulness, keeping items that bring you joy and letting go of the rest. Donating or selling unneeded possessions can not only lighten the physical load but also bring a sense of fulfilment.

Take breaks and practice self-care

Moving can be physically and emotionally demanding, so it’s crucial to take breaks and prioritise self-care. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and schedule moments of relaxation. Balancing productivity with self-care is key to maintaining a positive mindset throughout the moving process.

Moving in – have a plan to make it easy

Make your new space feel like home from the start. Unpack essential items first, such as bedding, toiletries, and kitchen essentials, to create a comfortable and functional living space. Adding personal touches, such as familiar decorations or scents, can help ease the transition and make the new environment feel welcoming.


Moving house is undoubtedly a complex and challenging process, but with the right mindset, lawyer, and strategic approach, it can also be a rewarding and transformative experience. A good Lawyer understands the sources of stress and how to implement practical strategies to navigate them; with their help, you can turn the chapter of moving into a pleasurable and fulfilling adventure. Embrace the change, seek support, and enjoy the journey. The journey is just as important as the destination!

For a Copy of our Checklist to make your move easier and less stressful please contact Nadine Ashford by email on nashford@mayowynnebaxter.co.uk

Nadine Ashford – Partner